
Safety work of Benxi Yongxing moving on steadily

Time:2016-05-31 18:14:15  Views:326
At the beginning of April, 2014, Benxi Yongxing paid a higher attention to the safety work. In the assistance of invited security experts, the director of security was able to start the security work quickly.

Before Apr. 15th Benxi Yongxing had completed the preliminary screening of the hidden danger and confirmed the places needing safety warning signs. On April 19th, related panels were finished and started installation on site. On April 22nd, all panels were installed.

Now when we walked into factory from the main entrance, the first thing we saw was the red panels with “production area, please wear safety helmet”, “slow traffic” and so on. In the meantime, the panel of speed limit of 10km stands strikingly on the side. Walking through inspection room, you can find a bus with a panel written with “security oath- for the sake of personal safety, to a happy family reunion, to the stable development, we always pay attention to safety”. Let every employee and persons coming from other unites feel the importance of safety for individuals and enterprises. 

Also you can find the banner “Yongxing flashing, safety in mind forever” hung on the bridge of cement workshop, cement warehouse and packaging warehouse.

These measures are only the first step and also a small step in Benxi Yongxing safety work.