
Green Yongxing, beautiful home

Time:2016-05-31 18:14:43  Views:445
At 13:30 pm on Apr. 11, 2014, all staff in Yongxing Group gathered at the factory. A few tall saplings were neatly placed to the side of flower bed in the front of bulk warehouse. As the group president Mr. Lin qiantao and general manager Mr. Sha yunde picked up the spade to dig the soil, the activity of tree planting in 2014 was announced to be started in Benxi Yongxing group.

At the flower bed in front of bulk warehouse, there were six planted trees owning a special meaning. One was planted by group president Mr. Lin qiantao and general manager of Yongxing group Mr. Sha yunde. The rest was planted by five managers from different departments in Benxi Yongxing. Spring breeze blow fiercely, green branches of trees swayed ceaselessly. Tall trees symbolized Benxi Yongxing company moving towards a booming path.

In order to build a fascinated factory with green production environment, Benxi Yongxing has planted poplar, torch, jasmine, lilac tree species and so on around places like cement workshop, vertical mill workshop, main road, office and so forth. Up to Apr. 22nd, all green belt and flowers were allocated to corresponding departments in accordance with the standards of clean production. And also the persons in charge were appointed.

Believe in the future, when summer comes, Benxi Yongxing factory will change from a place with only black and white color to be a colorful, pleasant modern production factory.