
6. Preserving the "Red Line" of Safety Production

Time:2018-02-11 09:15:47  Views:339
Safety production is an insurmountable “red line”. Because safety production “ red line” is just like the protection line of the lives of the majority of employees. To realize safe production, we must not overstep and stick to the red line of safety production. Specifically, the “red line” of safety production is the bottom line of the safety behavior of the staff. Safety production for the majority of employees, no accident is already, one is a big event. Every safety accidents, the essential reasons, often because of illegal command, illegal operation and violation of labor discipline, and the root causes of the “three violations” is that the “red line”of safty production is not preserved. 

So, how to keep the “red line” of safe production? In the process of production, person is decisive factor in work safety factors, only when people’s work is done well, the company’s security work can be ensured reliably, and the hidden dangers of personnel factors can be eliminated, so that the purpose of safe production wil achieve. Therefore, first of all, we should strenghen our safety education for our employees, carry out ideology for our employees with special contents, diversified forms and extensive participation of employees, to guide our staff to firmly enhance the “red line” awareness of safety production, fully understand the serious consequences of illegal operation, and strive to enhance the ability of independent security and resolutely put an end to the "three violations". Secondly, to lay a solid foundation for safe production, we need to strenghen the safety trainning for all staff, particularly to take advantage of various safety training forms for special work, comprehensively cultivate the consciousnessos of staff’s compliance and relentless “three violations”, and constantly improve employees’ the formal operation, risk-averse ability and safety technology level to achieve truly safe and standard living. Thirdly, we should build a long-term mechanism, constantly innovate the methods of safety supervision and management, and improve the system of laws and regulations on safety production. The formation of a unified deployment of departmental coordination and linkage, the majority of staff involved in the full, all-round, the whole process of group prevention and control group safety supervision and management network, and fundamentally build a safe production "red line".