
Who is the most lovely person?

Time:2018-07-02 10:25:29  Views:383
On 8th June 2018,rolling mill section of Yongxing company Zhoukou branch started its official trial production.Early that morning, HR department,purchasing department,warehouse and all the electricians were on standby.They all had one goal,which was to debug the equipment as soon as possible.

At the beginning,the debug did not go well ,all rolling mill workers had gone through the untold hardships ,finally the equipment produced normally.When all the difficulty had been solved ,it was also the time for lunch.In order not to affect the production,HR delivered the lunch to the workshop,workers had lunch in turns.During this special lunch hour, all workers walked up and down between food and work ,some did not even get the chance to eat.

All workers were working as a mad person,and also because our mad persons’ selfless dedication made Zhoukou branch develop rapidly.These mad persons are our most lovely person!