
Monthly Safety Special Inspection Shows Initial Results at Yongxing Steel (Thailand) Company

Time:2023-12-06 15:30:53  Views:224

Introduction: In November 2023, Yongxing Steel (Thailand) officially introduced the Monthly Safety Special Inspection, which, after a month-long implementation, is showing initial results.

In late October 2023, the Monthly Safety Inspection plan proposed by the Safety Department of Yongxing Steel (Thailand) Company was approved by senior management and formally initiated in November. According to the inspection plan, a joint safety inspection team was formed comprising leaders from the General Office, Safety Department, and relevant departments, led by Ms. Wang Yang, Executive Vice President. Starting from November, the monthly safety special inspection was divided into four phases, covering administrative logistics areas, warehouse-affiliated workshop areas, rolling mill areas, and steelmaking areas, encompassing all corners of the company.

During the first week, the safety inspection team focused on the administrative logistics areas. Ms. Wang Yang, Executive Vice President, emphasized the criticality of safety in these areas, particularly regarding fire safety, which directly impacts the personal safety of every employee. The Safety Department and responsible departments were directed to address fire safety concerns effectively, ensuring a safe living environment for employees.

In the second week, the inspection team targeted the warehouse and affiliated workshop areas. Ms. Wang Yang, Executive Vice President, adjusted directives based on the specific on-site conditions and key safety issues: fire safety and material security were highlighted in the warehouse, while safety in production, personnel operations, and equipment operation were emphasized in the affiliated workshop.

During the third week, the inspection team conducted activities in the rolling mill workshop area, focusing primarily on organized inspections of major hazards such as electricity, gas stations, and oil stations in the workshop-level affiliated areas. Throughout this process, detailed inspections were conducted concerning hazard sources, daily management, emergency measures, safety precautions, ensuring absolute control over hazard sources, and providing guidance, management, and supervision of safe work practices for personnel.

In the fourth week, the inspection team tailored inspection projects according to the characteristics of the steelmaking area, ensuring effective execution of inspection tasks based on the specific conditions.

After each inspection, the safety inspection team convened internal meetings to compile identified issues for centralized summary and subsequent submission to relevant departments/personnel for corrective action.

Overall, compared to the regular safety inspections conducted by the Safety Department previously, the Monthly Safety Special Inspection at Yongxing Steel (Thailand) Company involves a larger team, stronger efforts, stricter procedures, clearer objectives, and broader coverage. The initial results of this special inspection are visible through the corrective actions taken, not only addressing on-site safety issues but also enhancing the safety awareness of all employees. Consequently, the focus on safety by everyone aims to reduce or eliminate safety incidents.